Students walking to class in front of the Young building


This is where a liberal arts and sciences leader delivers on the promise. 

总共, bwin体育提供50多个专业, 未成年人, pre-professional and dual-degree programs 毕业生合作. Students can also design their own major in consultation with an advisor. Our engaged faculty scholars support you and help make Centre a place for serious and curious students committed to hands-on learning and exploration.

Centre produces graduates who are nimble thinkers and engaged citizens and our highly-staffed office of Careers and Professional Development helps translate that into meaningful careers. 

Students in forensics class studying skeleton skull with full skeleton in background


我们提供50多个专业, 未成年人, pre-professional and dual-degree programs, 毕业生合作. Or design your own major in consultation with your advisor.

students listening to professor in outdoor classroom


Your classes at the College will feature maximum flexibility within a few basic guidelines, known as the general education curriculum. These courses will help you develop your existing skills and allow you to explore the academic opportunities Centre has to offer.

Students participating in discussion at picnic table with laptop and group of students nearby


We are responsive to student needs — listening, 分享, acting — with the singular goal of your success.

Student explaining study results in front of large poster display to faculty


Explore future options and opportunities and realize a return on your investment, with strong support from a professional Career and Professional Development team.

Graduate being congratulated by faculty

成功 & 结果

毕业只是一个开始. 拥有bwin体育学位, support from the Office of Career and Professional Development, and a relentless alumni network working for you, there is no limit to where you can go from here.









Nationally Ranked for Most Accessible Professors

The support you need to be the best you can be.


计划你的旅程. 保持与时俱进. 安顿下来学习.


Staying on track means keeping up with what’s going on.